John Schneider
The Well-Tempered Guitar

Sat, Apr 26, 25 7:30PM
Sierra Madre Playhouse
87 W Sierra Madre Blvd
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Embark on a sonic adventure with Grammy® Award-winning guitarist John Schneider as he presents The Well-Tempered Guitar. This extraordinary concert blends classical and experimental styles, featuring works by Lou Harrison, Harry Partch, Manuel Ponce, and Schneider himself, performed on adapted, electric, and National Resophonic guitars. Tickets $12-35
*Appearing through an Agreement between this theatre, Sierra Madre Playhouse, and Actors' Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
The Well-Tempered Guitar is a captivating exploration of the guitar’s endless possibilities, performed by Grammy® Award-winning guitarist John Schneider. The program features a dynamic selection of classical and experimental works, including Harry Partch’s evocative December 1942, Manuel Ponce’s elegant Suite in A, and Schneider’s own Men are Men & Mountains are Mountains. These pieces come to life on a variety of specialized instruments, including adapted, electric, and National Resophonic guitars.
John Schneider is a trailblazer in the world of contemporary and microtonal music. With a Ph.D. in Physics & Music from Cardiff University and a deep connection to music’s historical and experimental roots, Schneider’s performances have enthralled audiences worldwide. His artistry spans Renaissance and Baroque works in their original temperaments, as well as innovative modern compositions. He is renowned for his mastery of Harry Partch’s adapted instruments and his dedication to pushing the boundaries of traditional guitar performance.
This evening promises an unforgettable journey through groundbreaking compositions, showcasing Schneider’s unparalleled expertise and passion for expanding the musical landscape. Whether you’re a classical music enthusiast or curious about the frontiers of sound, this performance offers a mesmerizing blend of innovation and artistry.